What is Rich Shaw’s Coaching?

Career Coaching

It's the process of working interactively with a certified coach to achieve short, medium to long-term personal and professional goals.

A unique Life Coaching Services

Are you right in the middle of a life transition or considering making radical changes in your life? Do you have vital personal goals or lifechanging decisions that you have been putting off? Are you looking to create a work/life balance but unsure how to go about it? Rich Shaw can help. Here at Rich Shaw's, we use our professional life coaching expertise to assist individuals, executives and organizations, create personal and career positive changes, picture new possibilities, and assist their clients to define actionable and result-oriented steps to achieve both their short, medium and long-term goals. Rich Shaw's coaching services are based on accountability, self-discovery, and self-development, the ultimate foundation that create results. Our main life coaching services focus on:

Creating a vision for your personal and/or professional life

Identify your goals, values, and strength

Move beyond your blind spots (everyone has them)

Create an efficient and reliable time management system

Establish and work within a work/life balance

Thrive successfully in times of transition

Manage stress