The prodigy of business owners combines writing and entrepreneurship to inspire the world

The prodigy of business owners combines writing and entrepreneurship to inspire the world

Life Beyond Self-Help Books

The hunger for success often leads an individual to a path where they must fight hard to survive.

More Than Just a Game, Trapped Behind an Open Door, Habits of the Highly Effective Entrepreneur, Passionaire, Frenemies, and The Cost to Win are all books that worldwide prominent figures have hired Rich E. Shaw to write. The author and screenwriter combines his experiences growing up around entrepreneurial influences with his passion for speaking to challenge himself and others to be their best selves. He does this through his writing engagements and the multi-million dollar company he eventually founded.

“One of the most important things I tell those who I coach,” notes the mentor and coach, “is that in order to succeed, you must have that unending determination and unparalleled perseverance to stand back up no matter how many times life pins you down.” Shaw has followed this motto to its end, never giving up on ventures and ideas he feels are important. One of his endeavors resulted in the invention of the machine that changed the dispensing machine field forever.

Using his mind for design and innovative spirit, Shaw is well-renowned for inventing the ‘Credit and Debit Receiving and Dispensing Device,’ a machine that makes it possible to dispense items without using cash. The founder of Rich Innovations, served on the Duncanville Planning and Zoning Committee for numerous years and is a member of the National Inventors Hall of Fame.”

Many consider Shaw to be one of the finest African American inventors in US history and he has been accepted into the Hall of Elite Inventors with 12 U.S. patents. “That’s when I created the ‘Credit and Debit Receiving and Dispensing Device,”’ Shaw. The vending machine system allows consumers to dispense things using both credit and debit cards. Shaw’s creation has won two Industrial Design Excellence Awards from the Industrial Design Society of America and is utilized extensively at airports, parks, malls, and corporate enterprises around the country.

The inventor believes in bettering the world through fully utilizing one’s talents and purpose. He began putting forth multifold efforts to help others find and execute their passions, an area throughout which he once again spread his innovative and determined energy.

Shaw leans on his various degrees. The entrepreneur studied mechanical engineering at Louisiana State University (LSU) in Baton Rouge, La., and obtained an associate degree in Liberal Arts and Sciences from Dallas College El Centro in Dallas, Texas. Shaw then earned a master’s degree in Supervision and Educational Administration from Prairie View A&M University after earning a bachelor’s and associate’s. Paul Quinn College awarded Rich E. Shaw a BA in Secondary Teaching in English and History.

With this education as a foundation, Shaw set forth to help educate others. He served as an Associate Principal and Academic Coordinator at Paul Quinn College from 2005 to 2007. In 2008, he was selected as the Principal of Clay Academy and held the position until 2009. Shaw also taught English at a high school for a few years. “I believe this experience helped me hone my ability to educate, encourage, and mentor kids, which I appreciate as a motivational speaker today,” states Shaw.

His motivational speaking aspirations rose out of the pool of experiences and positions that Shaw has held, along with his early inspirations regarding self-starting. “I knew what I wanted to do,” states Shaw, noting how writing had always been at the forefront of his mind and heart. “So, I went with my gut and founded Rich Publishing House.”

The motivational speaker already had the words. He’d spoken to audiences, helping individuals get their careers started, and inspired millions of readers through his novels and screenplays. Shaw started Rich Publishing House in order to combine his pursuits into a system that could benefit the world around him.

The core of Rich Publishing House is around Shaw’s accomplishments in academia and as a phenomenal writer. The publishing company specializes in offering ghostwriting services to customers who don’t have the time or writing skills to accurately express their feelings in words. The publishing firm also offers its customers a wide range of services, including press releases, screenplays, books, magazine articles, online blogs, and everything in between.

“People want knowledge, and I really want to offer that through my practical experiences and logic,” states Shaw. The author’s own life is a symbol of how a person can start from the bottom and end up being an owner of a multi-million dollar empire.

“I believe that allowing others to feel comfortable around you is something that plays a significant role in building an empire,” Shaw states, “and I have strived to bridge the gaps that exist in society with these novel and creative solutions.”

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Learn more about the author Richard E Shaw

Richard E Shaw is an American Author, Writer, Educator, Inventor and Entrepreneur

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